Quarterly Newsletter
October 27, 2023
AI. Sustainability. Cloud security.
Buzz words buzz for a reason—and proving your business is a thought leader means not only staying tuned to trends, but joining the conversation before the winds change yet again.

Need inspiration? See how w helped industry leaders market three of today’s hottest topics.

Assent: Risk Assessment
Sustainability is top of mind for companies today, and evaluating supply chains is a critical component. Assent aimed to assess supply chain risks for their prospects, and the result of their collaboration with CPR—amid a wider strategy of interactive tools we built together—provides massive value and insights.
Launch assessment

Boomi: AI Readiness Assessment
Eager to amplify their voice in the quickly-evolving AI conversation, Boomi wanted an engaging interactive tool to help potential customers assess their AI readiness—and prove what makes Boomi's solution stand out.
Launch assessment

It was a total pleasure to partner with CPR.
Their expertise, counsel, responsiveness, and know-how resulted in an Interactive asset that elevated our digital marketing to a new level—with great results and a clear ROI.
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